martes, 2 de septiembre de 2014


Welcome to “Intro2ResInt”, the blog of the subject “Introduction to Research” of the School of Medicine of the University of Navarra.

What’s in a name?

You do not need to be too smart to realize that the name of the blog corresponds to the contraction of the words describing our course. Colloquially, students refer to our subject as “Intro”, the short form for “Introduction”. With the “2” we play with the double meaning of the preposition “to” and with the number “two” since the subject is imparted to second year medical students. Finally, “Res” stands for “Research” and given that this year the whole contents of the blog is going to be in English, we have added “Int” to reflect that we are going “internationally”. In fact, last year it was a real surprise to learn that we had followers of our blog not only among our students and from Spain, but from all around the world!

Aims and declaration of principles

The initiative of launching the blog as a tool to help students with our subject started last year with the aim of making use of innovative communication strategies and channels with which young people are comfortable and familiar. In addition, the blog also allows to use a more direct, fresh and informal communication with students, which we wanted to take advantage from in order to make the subject more attractive at the same time as easier to follow and study.

With these aims in mind, we will place a post on every lecture day (scheduled on Tuesdays and Thursdays) as well as in relation to every practical session (scheduled on Wednesdays).

 The classrooms and corridors have been unusually quiet during the summer...

but this has finished,  
we are back and welcome you to “Intro2Research” in classroom 14!!!

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